Finding out your credit is poor does not mean you suddenly turned from a good person to a bad person. The thing with bad credit is, it can make life a little more frustrating, but it is manageable. First off, with a lower credit score you will find it will be harder...
Helping You Navigate Complex Legal Issues
Month: September 2018
Choosing between consolidation and Chapter 7 bankruptcy
Debt is an unavoidable part of American life, as many people can attest, but sometimes, it can get away from us. For Texas residents facing serious debt problems, there are multiple solutions available to help remedy the situation. However, it is important to...
How Chapter 7 bankruptcy works
Bankruptcy can be a complicated topic to discuss or learn about, both because of incorrect information disseminated through popular culture, and because it is a complicated process. Chapter 7 bankruptcy can help Texas residents recover from unmanageable debt, but it...
The filer’s responsibilities in a Chapter 13 bankruptcy
When Texas residents are faced with overwhelming debt, they often search for debt relief options that provide them with the most bang for their buck. In many cases, this turns out to be bankruptcy. Depending on income levels, many of those people will end up filing a...
There may be some obstacles to overcome before filing bankruptcy
Many Texas residents find themselves dealing with overwhelming debt, but are unsure how to resolve the issue. One of the best things to come out of the Great Recession was the increase in acceptance of bankruptcy as a viable debt relief option. Even so, people still...