In order to meet financial needs, most Texas residents need to go to work and generate an income. It is common for people to rely on that income to meet their basic needs, make rent or mortgage payments, stay on top of credit card bills, and for numerous other...
Helping You Navigate Complex Legal Issues
Care planning for the future is important for you and your family
Do you know what will happen if you if you are no longer able to speak for yourself and express your own wishes regarding your medical care? Who will take care of you if you become sick and unable to care for yourself? These are only a few of the most serious...
New legislation protects veterans’ benefits after bankruptcy
The President recently signed a bill that allows veterans to receive disability benefits after filing for bankruptcy. The Honoring American Veterans in Extreme Need (HAVEN) Act, now protects veterans’ disability income so it cannot be seized during bankruptcy....
Could filing bankruptcy save your marriage?
When you planned your wedding, you may have gone over budget a little. Okay, maybe you went over your budget by a lot. In any case, you now have a significant amount of debt related to your wedding that you can't seem to pay off. Money issues are often cited as a...
Top five causes of bankruptcy
Personal debt is growing nationwide. It seems that Americans are spending more money than they make, leaving them with thousands of dollars in debt. Surprisingly, overspending is not the leading cause of debt. Medical bills. Nearly 62% of all personal bankruptcies...
Is social media influencing your spending habits?
Social media sites like Facebook, Instagram and Twitter rely on revenue from advertisements to allow users access for free. However, it’s not just paid advertisements that may be influencing your likelihood to spend on social media. Here are a few of the ways...
3 Signs that bankruptcy is right for you
Choosing to file for bankruptcy protection is a huge financial decision. When most of us make important life choices, we tend to second-guess ourselves. But, avoiding bankruptcy when you are in need of it can turn into a downward spiral that leads to worse and worse...
3 Fallacies about bankruptcy
Bankruptcy protection can help those who are struggling with debt come out on the other side. Yet, some of the misconceptions around the practice can be off-putting. Here are three misconceptions you shouldn’t let prevent you from getting help. 1. You...
Never miss another payment with these tips
Budgeting can be tough for everyone — no matter how much your income and expenses are. If you find that you’re perpetually late with your payments or just scraping by to make them, here are a few ways you can set yourself up to never miss another payment...
Track your finances with these tips
The first step to get out of debt is to get a grip on your finances. Maintaining a firm understanding of your income in comparison to your expenditures will help you begin to make necessary adjustments. Here are a few tips to help you start. Know how much you have...