Getting behind on financial obligations happens to many people, including Texas residents. These issues often arise out of some sort of crisis that drains financial resources such as an illness, an injury or job loss, among other things. When this happens, some...
Helping You Navigate Complex Legal Issues
Month: January 2019
Should the foreclosure option be furloughed during the shutdown?
There may be 800,000 federal workers not getting paid right now, but the partial government shutdown affects numerous other people as well, and many live here in Texas. As time goes on, it is inevitable that some of those affected may not be able to make their...
Dealing with credit card debt collectors
For many Texas residents, the holidays mean buying gifts, which often leads to overspending as people get carried away by the spirit of the season. In the first months of the new year, they may find themselves struggling to pay for the credit card debt incurred at the...
Can a Chapter 7 bankruptcy help with student loans?
Numerous Texas residents pay their way through college with student loans. While in school, most of them had dreams of making enough money to support themselves and repay their loans without a problem. Then, reality set in, and they realized that paying for those...
Many here in Texas struggle to find solutions to medical debt
Many Texas residents avoid going to the doctor as much as possible due to the high cost of health care. However, there are times when seeking medical attention is unavoidable. When a serious illness or injury strikes, the accompanying medical debt could financially...