Credit card debt is a problem for anyone. For many senior citizens, the weight is often too much to carry, and they do not know where to turn for help. Many seniors live on a fixed income, so meeting day-to-day expenses is about all they can handle. Any unexpected...
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Credit Card Debt
Credit card debt surpasses student loans for millennials
Without a doubt, many people throughout the country, including here in Texas, owe tens of thousands of dollars in student loans. However, a recent report indicates this type of debt is not necessarily the highest that numerous millennials have. Instead, student loans...
That morning coffee isn’t your biggest source of credit card debt
When Texas residents consider how to reduce their monthly budget, many people will tell them to cut out their morning coffee to save money. While that may be a good idea, it probably is not consumers' main source of credit card debt. Other luxury items seem to surpass...
Avoiding credit card debt won’t make it go away
It might surprise some Texas residents to know that not everyone pays attention to their financial obligations. One recent study conducted by U.S. News and World Report involving 1,000 adults found that approximately 21% of the participants did not even know if they...
Credit card debt continues to rise in the US
The economy has improved, and when that happens, people tend to loosen their purse strings and spend more money. Unfortunately, this often means incurring credit card debt. It may not surprise many Brownsville residents to know that this type of debt continues to rise...
Millennials are starting to accumulate credit card debt
Growing up during the great recession initially resulted in millennials, those ranging in age from 18 to 29, doing their finances differently from their parents. They saved their money and avoided credit card debt, at least until recently. The number...
Watch out for credit card debt relief scams
Job losses, medical emergencies, divorce and more can easily adversely affect the financial lives of Texas residents. Many turn to credit cards in order to keep up with necessities, but soon, those bills become overwhelming as well. By the time credit card debt...
Facing debt collectors for credit card debt
Many Texas residents experience financial difficulties for a variety of reasons. Credit card debt is often part of those troubles. Once they are unable to make payments on these debts, they may discover the account has gone to collections. Handling this type of...
What does the FDCPA have to do with contact re credit card debt?
It seems as though it does not take much to end up with overwhelming financial issues. Credit card debt in particular can sneak up on many Texas residents just as it does for others across the country. For some, it is only when the incessant phone calls from...
Dealing with credit card debt collectors
For many Texas residents, the holidays mean buying gifts, which often leads to overspending as people get carried away by the spirit of the season. In the first months of the new year, they may find themselves struggling to pay for the credit card debt incurred at the...