Many people hope that creditors won’t keep knocking at their door forever. But, if you’ve stopped receiving collection efforts over the phone, online and in person, they probably haven’t given up just yet. After attempting to collect unpaid debts,...
Helping You Navigate Complex Legal Issues
Month: December 2018
The repayment plan is at the core of a Chapter 13 bankruptcy
Many Texas residents experience financial hardships. However, not all of them need to risk losing some of their assets through the filing of a Chapter 7 bankruptcy. Instead, they may qualify to file a Chapter 13 bankruptcy in which most people retain most or all of...
The post-holiday let down: Credit card debt
Part of the joy of the holidays for many here in Brownsville is giving. Going out and purchasing gifts for friends and family that they know the recipients will like and enjoy often provides a lot of joy for the giver. The problem is that joy may not last if...
The basic steps of a Chapter 7 bankruptcy
Many Texas residents can attest to the fact that struggling with debt is no picnic. Many households reach the point where they can barely afford the necessities, let alone pay any discretionary bills. At this point, they probably attempted to deal with the...
Six ways to not overspend this holiday season
With the holidays in full swing, many people are eagerly hitting the stores and trying to come up with the perfect gifts for everyone on their wish list. With stores offering sales and coupons, it may seem like getting a good deal is easy to do around this time of...
No one should suffer under the weight of medical debt
No one plans to get seriously ill or suffer serious injuries. This makes it nearly impossible to plan for it financially. Many Texas residents think that since they have health insurance that they are covered if something happens. Sadly, many people find out that they...