Numerous Texas residents pay their way through college with student loans. While in school, most of them had dreams of making enough money to support themselves and repay their loans without a problem. Then, reality set in, and they realized that paying for those...
Helping You Navigate Complex Legal Issues
Chapter 7 Bankruptcy
The basic steps of a Chapter 7 bankruptcy
Many Texas residents can attest to the fact that struggling with debt is no picnic. Many households reach the point where they can barely afford the necessities, let alone pay any discretionary bills. At this point, they probably attempted to deal with the...
A discharge isn’t guaranteed in a Chapter 7 bankruptcy
If someone tells a Texas resident otherwise, he or she should probably run the other way. While most people do receive a discharge from a Chapter 7 bankruptcy, there is no guarantee it will happen. However, knowing the circumstances under which one may not be...
Chapter 7 bankruptcy could save you from creditors’ efforts
For whatever reason, you are no longer able to meet your financial obligations as you once were. Now, you have creditors calling you, sending you letters and making threats or following through with legal action. More than likely, you have tried everything you can...
Do Chapter 7 bankruptcy filers have to give up their property?
There is one debt relief option that some Texas residents may not explore out of fear of losing their property. The myths surrounding Chapter 7 bankruptcy include a story that anyone who files will lose all of his or her property. Fortunately, this simply is not true....
Why do people turn to Chapter 7 bankruptcy?
The odds are that you have some sort of debt just like many other Texas residents do. You may also be like others who consistently perform the same balancing act each month just to stay above water. However, when that balancing act becomes too much to bear, you may...
Chapter 7 bankruptcy issues: Changes in the debt landscape
Back in 2008, the banking and housing industries experienced a crisis that thrust the country into the Great Recession. Over the last 10 years, consumers' spending habits changed in response to it. For many Texas consumers, that meant filing for Chapter 7 bankruptcy...
Choosing between consolidation and Chapter 7 bankruptcy
Debt is an unavoidable part of American life, as many people can attest, but sometimes, it can get away from us. For Texas residents facing serious debt problems, there are multiple solutions available to help remedy the situation. However, it is important to...
How Chapter 7 bankruptcy works
Bankruptcy can be a complicated topic to discuss or learn about, both because of incorrect information disseminated through popular culture, and because it is a complicated process. Chapter 7 bankruptcy can help Texas residents recover from unmanageable debt, but it...
There may be some obstacles to overcome before filing bankruptcy
Many Texas residents find themselves dealing with overwhelming debt, but are unsure how to resolve the issue. One of the best things to come out of the Great Recession was the increase in acceptance of bankruptcy as a viable debt relief option. Even so, people still...